A Cello music theory workbook series, Just The Facts teaches through interactive worksheets and lessons for all age groups and skill levels!
All Just The Facts for String music theory workbooks are based on discovery and spiral learning theories. These student-friendly books are perfect for private lessons, beginning orchestra students, or the adult student wanting to understand the theory behind the notes.
This book follows Primer for the young students or it can be an entry level book for ages 8 & up. Material includes Facts from Primer, plus intervals of 2nds.
This book follows Book 1 for all ages. New material includes Italian terms, Note & Rest values (eighths & up), Major scale pattern, Key signatures for C, G & D Major, Drawing intervals of 2nd through 5th, Note value rule (2 of a kind & 3 of a kind), Naturals & Arpeggios. A Game in every lesson!
Book 2 for all students. This is a transition book with multiple clefs. The original series Just the Facts Book 6 will follow this level. Concepts covered: Note and rest values � Sixteenth through Whole, Note & rest value rules (2 of a kind + 3 of a kind), Enharmonic notes, Interval of an octave I, IV, V major scale tones plus tonic triads.
Beginning book for young students. Large staffs for small hands, fun alphabet activities, & introduction to naming open string notes on the Bass staff: C, G, D & A. Note values quarter through whole, time signatures, bar lines and writing counts.