This book follows Beginner B for the young students or it can be an entry-level book for all ages, including adults. Material includes all of above plus intervals of 2nds & 3rds, 3/4 time signature, Sharp-flat-forte-piano signs, Whole & half steps, C & G Major 5-finger patterns & Triads. A GAME in every lesson.
Beginning piano theory book for ages 6-7 that includes Note & Rest values (quarters & up), Staff keynotes, Note direction, 4/4 time signature, Steps & skips, Drawing stems & bar lines.
Beginning piano theory book for young students. Large staffs for small hands, fun alphabet activities & introduction to naming keynotes on the staff.
This piano theory workbook builds off the previous books to introduce several new concepts at this level including Sonata-Allegro form, Polyphonic-Monophonic-Homophonic texture, Analysis with figured bass, Deceptive cadence and Scale degree names. All books exactly follow the Texas State theory curriculum.
This piano theory workbook where analysis and written examples continue to deepen the ability to recognize, manipulate, and apply principals of theory to “real” music. New material includes Writing cadences, Interval inversions, V7 to I resolutions, Triad qualities in minor scales.
This piano theory workbook to develop higher level thinking skills as students relate new information to knowledge already acquired to continue growth. New facts (open/close harmony, Dominant 7th chord, and triad qualities of the Major scale) appear frequently throughout.
This piano theory workbook is full of worksheets that include Parallel Major/minor keys, 4-part harmony (SATB), Authentic & Half cadences, Minor – diminished – augmented intervals, Chromatic scale, Whole tone scale, Augmented triads, Common & leading tones in cadences, Figured bass, Parallel keys, Melodic & harmonic intervals.
This piano theory workbook is full of worksheets that include activities (“Sound Alikes”, “Cross Out”, “Scale Trails”) that continue to entertain yet challenge students’ reasoning skills. New facts (diminished triads, 3 forms of minor, transposition, and melody writing) appear frequently throughout. All books exactly follow the Texas State theory curriculum.
This piano theory workbook is full of worksheets that expands on previous books to include Major & perfect intervals, Double flat & sharp, Natural minor scale, Relative Major/minor keys, 3/8 9/8 12/8 Time signatures, Meter terms, Minor circle of 5ths. Every lesson always contains multiple opportunities to review concepts in new applications.
This workbook is full of piano theory worksheets and musicianship activities to help the students think abstractly. New material includes: Order of sharps & flats, Primary triads, Augmented 2nd, 6/8 time signature, Major/minor 3rds, All Major keys & scales, Major circle of 5ths. Ear training, analysis activities and a Game in every lesson.
This workbook is full of piano theory worksheets that features new material includes: Note & rest value order (sixteenths & up), Ledger lines, Enharmonic notes, Intervals through an octave, Tonic triads, Introduction to I – IV – V, Naming Major keys, Scales & keys through 4 sharps/flats.
This workbook is full of piano theory worksheets that features Half & Whole steps, Italian terms, Note & rests values (eighths & up), Key signatures and scales for D, A, & E Major, Drawing treble & bass clefs, Note value rule (2 of a kind & 3 of a kind). Look for the Interval Detective, Inspector Dexter in every book.